Knowledge of casino comp
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Like any business, the online casinos have also become one of those rapidly growing business and when you are looking into the competition for the casinos you get astonished because day to day the count of the online gambling site is getting increased on seeing the demand for the online casino among the public and youths. Do you have heard about the casino comp, even though most of the gamblers don’t even have an idea about the term, but when you are a gambler you should get aware of it. Only when you know the concept of casino comp you could understand the reasons for getting a casino comp.
What is a casino comp?
The casino comp is the term that purely means the complimentary items and services which has been offered by the casino operators to encourage the players to gamble more. But remember the casino comp is one of those business’s marketing strategy to attract the people still as gamblers you will also be get benefited when you know about it.
Usually, the casino comp get varies from one gambler to another based on the past betting records and the kind of kind they are playing. Especially when you are playing the costlier game the casino operator offers you some of the extra complimentary bonuses or gifts.
Based on the odds behind your game and payout odds, the casino operator estimates your long term expected losses on seeing your hourly actions. Thereby then they calculate the percentage that they have to give to you in the format of casino comp. but remember collecting more casino comp is an impossible thing.
Final thoughts
Most gamblers have an idea about the relevant topic but they might not get aware of the term. If you are a gambler you have to get to know about them, so start knowing of it to get benefited in multiple ways.